Choose one of 3 Different Pathways for learning or do all of them.
Suitable for Personal Use for a deeper way to connect with your partner.
Clinical Tantra is suitable for Nurses, therapists, healers, teacher, yoga instructors and anyone interested in the more deeper elements of Tantra and its implementation into the lives of their clients
Tantra Massage is suitable for Bodyworkers, energy workers and somatic sexologists who would like a more deeper Tantric Massage offering amongst their current offerings.
20 Level Tantra Program suitable for those who are interested in Advanced Tantra and Tantrika/Daka Training. This is a Deep dive for practitioners wanting to be a Fully trained Tantrika with a sequenced teaching of Master Classes in Tantra and Erotic Experiences.

C l i n i c a l T a n t r a
Clinical Tantra is designed to be a Fresh New look into your Energetics, blockages, Shadow, programming and develop a systematic approach to create a new pathway of understanding into how to achieve the most profound connection to your erotic IQ unlike ever before.

T a n t r a M a s s a g e
Level 1 - 5 of the Tantra Massage Training. A Sensual (non erotic) approach to Tantra Massage.
Enabling a more sensual approach to Clinical Tantra yet non erotic.
A sensual and Exotic expression of Tantra Massage. Components of Clinical and Tantrika are included.

T a n t r i k a/D a k a T r a i n i n g
Level 1 - 20 of the 20 Level Program. Sensual, Therapeutic and Erotic. Suitable for the more experiential Tantra practitioner who loves to be hands on with their work with clients.
The Full spectrum of Tantra is offered in this training.
This is the ultimate Training.

Training in
Melbourne & Sydney
Private One on One or Small Group Training.
Sms to Register your Spot : 0488938962

Choose your Training Pathway
Training can be arranged One on One or in a Group
Contact us to arrange a time that suits your schedule or join in to the group trainings
Three Associations Globally have accredited our courses.

International Practitioners
of Holistic Medicine
International Holistic Accreditation Board
Approved Training Provider & Approved Course

The Complimentary Medical Association

International Institute of Complementary Therapists
In 26 Countries Globally
Certified Professional Practitioner Training
Start your own business or add the modalities to your own healing practice.
Training 2024
Includes Full 300+ page extensive Manual
IICT, IOHM Association Membership & Insurance Cover options for Tantra Practice.
This course of Clinical Tantra covers areas of
Psychoanalytic Sexology
Altered States
Energy Work
Full Body Sequenced three level program
and more

Contact Us to register for a Training.
This is a fascinating and fast growing industry so we hope to see you at the next training! Please feel free to call us for more information.
Clinical Tantra and Tantra Massage Program are Accredited Programs.
Tantrika Training is not accredited with an association as it is an Erotic Program.
The Training is professional and exciting, and will open up a new world for your clients and yourself.
INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TANTRA is a global initiative to bring together all facets of Tantra and make it accessible to the everyday person.
Tantra is a growing industry, and you would be a part of a greater movement whereby you will be a sacred teacher, God/dess, instructor and guide to improve one of the most important facets of a person’s life, their sexual self and their sensuality.
You will be learning Tantric theory, philosophy and principles, how to distinguish disharmony in Chakras and energy systems, as well as dynamic body movements, Bioenergetics, Shadow Work, Trauma informed care, ejaculation controlling techniques, and full body bliss experiences and more.
This Course is intensive.
There will be many areas of Sacred Sexuality that will be covered. You will be able to learn both the theory and the practical aspects to this bodywork and be able to operate as a practitioner immediately on return to your town or city.
Tantra teaches us a new way of learning about our sexual nature. It gives us more than just standard sexual practices and allows a deeper connection to self, to your partner/s and to the world in general. Understanding Sacred Sexuality will enable you to guide your clients into a sacred space of conscious loving.
International Institute of Tantra was the first of its kind to be presented to the Scientific Community of the 18th World Congress of Sexology in 2007. Statistical Research was conducted on the Benefits of the Institute of Tantra Massage Program and found that there was over an 80% success rate in improving many areas of sexuality. Due to this element of professionalism, most clients are referred to an International Institute of Tantra Practitioner by a Doctor, counsellor, psychologist, therapist and other holistic therapies to enable clients to learn and experience certain facets of sexuality and understand their bodies, learn new methods and techniques and other personal matters to assist them in their healing.
The Australian Association of Massage Therapists Limited (AAMT) is the peak representative body for massage therapists in Australia formed after the consolidation of five major massage Associations across Australia. Institute of Tantra Massage is the first Tantra Massage in Australia to enter into this Associations Journal to educate the Massage Therapy Industry of the benefits, power and professionalism of institute of Tantra Massage. To view the amazing article which was also the Front Cover of the Issue of the Australia Association of Massage Therapists CLICK THE LINK BELOW
Journal http://membership.massagemyotherapy.com.au/lib/Journals/Summer06/Tantra.pdf
Institute of Tantra is also the first Tantra Program to be endorsed by a Professional Association, IASECT. The International Association of Sexual Educators, Counsellors and Therapists is a professional body which was formed to inform the international community of educating professionals and the public about human sexuality and behaviour and to support the positive integration of sexuality into individuals lives.
This course will enable you to receive Professional Membership with the International Association of Sexual Educators, Counsellors and Therapists.
As well as the Option of Insurance Cover through AON
The Training Covers :
3 days of intensive practical and theoretical training. (up to 9 days for all three levels)
Course Materials - Extensive Manual
Information on what is needed to set up a temple space
Phone and Booking Information and Assistance
Assistance with Business Management and promotion of your new business.