

International Institue of Tantra
Breathe New Life Into Your Sensual World
Established in 2006
There are many elements to Tantra. The diversity that it brings is something that is both facinating and life changing. Tantra is broken into 3 different elements. Lineage Tantra, Neo Tantra and Erotic Tantra. Here at the IIOT we offer all three combined into a program that is customised to suit you own individual needs.
Our main focus is on Therapy & Sexological Bodywork. Enabling you to take a look into your sensual nature and unleash your potential on the Erotic IQ spectrum. Taking the lead in combining Spirituality, Psychotherapy & Applied Neuroscience, the programs offered are able to work within many facets of obtaining optimal Sexual experiences.
All clients are to proceed through the levels in order. Everyone needs to Begin from level 1 in order to fully integrate the teachings. A Diagnostic of the Chakras and the elements of energetic flow is essential to the Tantra process. The sessions are for Men, Women and Couples of all sexual orientations and only offered to clients who seek a more expanded and optimal version of themselves in the bedroom.
With the International institute of Tantra (IIOT) Method of Tantra, you are learning about your own body, the flow of energy within, how to harness and cultivate sexual energy as well as an extensive theoretical knowledge on Tantra. With the process, you are able to utilise Neuroplasticity and completely change the dynamics of your sexual interaction with your lover. This is a life changing process and an ability to apply Tantra to your everyday life.
Unlike other Tantra Services, here at IIOT in Australia - the program is not a Sexual Service. It is a program to truly optimise your sacred and sensual self to its maximum potential.
To some, IIOT is a lifestyle; to others, it’s empowering our spiritual masculine and feminine energies. So, what is IIOT? And, most important of all, what is its relevance to us in today’s hectic lifestyle? The word Tantra is Sanskrit, the sacred language of Hinduism. It derives from the root word TAN, which translates as “to expand, or to weave” Tantra’s essence is mainly about continually expanding, spreading, and manifesting oneself like a “cosmic weave,” utilizing different energies. As individuals, we are a part of the universal weave and every type of energy and matter encompassed within it. This includes thoughts, actions, and all physical matter.
Tantra, as taught at the International Institute of Tantra, is a newly formulated three-level method that is instructional, experiential and thoroughly therapeutic. Through the IIOT Method of Tantra, we find a more “real”, more “complete” approach to Tantra. How? By recognising and stimulating our inherent sensuality, we are taught the essence of Tantra, how all the principles intertwine and become one and we discover parts of ourselves that have remained asleep or have been repressed. With Tantra, energy is released that is evolutionary and upwardly motivated. We can learn to use this energy for pleasure, abundance, and for aiding our spiritual evolution. The taboo of Tantra massage is that it is a “happy ending” massage, a sexual service or a way of hiding behind a spiritual veil to make money from the Tantra bandwagon. There are, in fact, people who do that. However, the IIOT Method of Tantra is one that does not involve any genital touching, and we do not provide a sexual “happy ending”. The three levels are based on learning, entering into a plane of education and consciousness.
At IIOT~ Tantra is a three-step process.
You will learn deeper, more thorough knowledge and receive a diagnostic of your Chakra/Energy system of your body. In the “transphysiological” language of Tantra, cosmic energy is said to flow into the microcosm through the chakras and thence to cycle through the subtle body and out again into the macrocosm. It is said that this happens in all of us, whether we know it or not and whether or not we co-operate in the process. Our degree of openness at the various chakras corresponds to our degree of consciousness; and our conscious participation in the macrocosm increases proportionately (Karagulla & Kunz, 1989: 36). The chakras are the key to physical health, emotional stability and mental clarity. The chakras are vortexes of moving energy, which then stimulate various endocrine organs in the body to secrete hormones into the blood system. The effects of hormones control our body. They also affect our state of mind. When we begin the journey into our Chakras we open the way for healing, psychological development and spiritual growth.
As the session progresses upward through your energy centers, you learn more about who you are, and the ideas and attitudes that have formed through social conditioning and your environment. It is a deep dive into your Shadow. This system of healing is ancient. It was mentioned in Vedic records, the Egyptians perfected it through aromatherapy and color healing, the early Jews codified their understanding of these principles in the mystical Kabbalah and the Islamic Sufi’s embraced the Energy as a connection with God. Today, in our highly charged world, we are in urgent need of understanding this ancient knowledge. The bodywork itself involves a full body massage, going through the 7 main energy centres, with psychoanalytical questions to understand you better. The bodywork is the whole time, while also asking you questions of association and experience to fully understand where and how your energy is blocked. As well Ejaculation Controlling techniques (men) and Sexual enhancement techniques (women): This is a powerful experience.
Step two of the IIOT Tantra bodywork involves a deep dive into the 7 breaths of Tantra (Pranyama). The Sanskrit word for Prana means life force. Pranyama (the act of taking in Prana) teaches that during the retention portion of the breath cycle, one should consciously retain the Prana, and then release the carbon dioxide (and other gases) from the lungs during exhalation, storing the Prana in the third Chakra. Pranyama techniques used are the Circle Breath, Trapezoidal Breath, Kundalini Breath, Pranavayu Rasa, Prana Sukha and the solar Luna Breath. There is a convergence and synchronization of breath; life force merging into a vortex, physical and subtle energy exchange is taking place. The Bhagavad Gita, Yogavasistha (ii. 78.46.) has explained: “When through continued practice of Pranyama the vibrations of breath are silenced, that causes the mind, too, to become completely silent. That is the state of Nirvana.
Recipients walk away with fundamental knowledge of the different types of breaths, how each breath works with different Tantric Sexual postures and positions in order to implement it into their lovemaking skills as well as the process of InJaculation.
Level 3 is the integration of level 1 & 2 into a purely experiential Body to Body Experience. In level 3, the recipients learn how to stimulate the life force (Shakti) and combine it with cosmic knowledge (Shiva); the process of this awakening is accelerated through Tantra. Step Three helps awaken the energy, which then rises along the spinal column, activating all the other Chakras on the way up. More specifically, however, it can be said that each chakra, beginning at the base of the spine and proceeding upwards to the head, opens for us a separate and progressively higher “level of consciousness” (Sivananda Radha, 1990: 49).
Strong movements, Sensual surrender, Yab Yum, deep prana and activating the Chakra centers allows you to surrender to the energy that is flowing through your body.
The Tibetan Buddhist term Yab Yum represents the uniting of wisdom and compassion. The practice of Tantra is founded upon the mysteries of the male to female union of energies. Samadhi, otherwise known as enlightenment, is the personal consciousness of the union between Shiva and Shakti.
The movements and techniques that come through IIOT Tantra Massage provides the individual an opportunity to experience this union and this method reaches toward this awareness. Tantra teaches us to become familiar with our spiritual nature, and when we do so, our boundaries expand. We enter into new domains of awareness. We become empowered, more fulfilled, and embrace our true nature as feminine and masculine.
Chakras & Shadows

Prana & Bio-Energetics

Body to Body Surrender

Explore Your Partner
Couples Sessions are the same as the above.
The sessions are designed where you are both guided by the practitioner to do the session on one another. The Teacher is your guide.
You will work through the process on how to do the session on your partner, while going through the same motions are experiences as the three levels. This way you are able to integrate this into your personal life and really enjoy your homework.
For couples, the first half is designed as a focus on one partner, and the second half then focuses on the other partner. You are massaged by your lover and learn the process for yourself.